The Mush Room

Hospitality HIX
Services +
Concept Interior design

Great things will grow

For the 2022 edition of HIX London – an event that brings the international hospitality community together - we designed an experimental installation. Referring to the 2022 edition's theme, ‘Great things will grow’, we created a bar that would literally grow towards the event while at the same time being an example of what one of these great things might be – mycelium as a design material.

While looking for a collaboration for the production of the bar, we came into contact with La Succulente and French artist Côme Di Meglio. Ruud Belmans, Creative Director at WeWantMore and a product designer by education, wanted to explore the boundaries of what is possible with the material. Mycelium has been used before in product design but creating a large-scale project with it is a unique occurrence.

August Winner

Best use of material

After the event, the bar was moved to Wakehurst, at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sussex. Kew Gardens preserves the mycelium bar in open air. As a result, visitors can watch it evolve under natural circumstances.

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