Juicing things up

When Mort Subite introduced their new fruity Lambic beers to rejuvenate the brand, we began with a simple but bold premise: Fruit beers are often viewed as inferior and frivolous, particularly in the high-brow Belgian beer scene. Instead of trying to change this perception, we embraced it, and doubled down, turning these beers into the ultimate guilty pleasure to be enjoyed when no one is watching.

Thus, 'Mort Subite Juicy' was born, inspired by the juicy Y2K gossip magazines and tabloids with their bold, flashy headlines and cutout pictures.

We were very excited by the creative work done by the WeWantMore team, who has been able to inject new codes into the beer category, with a lot of boldness and character, while keeping the playfulness of the brand Mort Subite.

Etienne Bachelier, Marketing Director at Alken-Maes (a Heineken company)

The photography mimicked paparazzi shoots, capturing people caught red-handed with the beer in question.

The first creation, 'Crime of Passion,' was named after the passion fruit flavour, establishing the scandalous theme and expanding the 'Mort Subite' universe, with more flavours on the way.


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Heineken Limited Edition France '24

Consumer goods